The Official Taylor's Angels Weblog

Taylor Hicks Fans Taying it Forward One Soul At A Time

Seven Mile Breakdown

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Charlie Had His Angels, Taylor Has His

I’m sure you remember the hit TV show, “Charlie’s Angels”, the trio of crime-fighting ladies with the mysterious employer named Charlie. Their job was to help those not otherwise able to help themselves.

But did you know that Taylor also has his Angels, a group of supporters known as Taylor’s Angels, ladies who Tay-it Forward when the need arises. Let me introduce you to what this group is all about and who these Angels really are.

What started as a random act of kindness to help a fan obtain membership to the Taylor Hicks HQ fan site has turned into the selfless act of helping others join the fan site and in some cases to see Taylor Hicks, live, on stage, in concert. Formed several months ago by this group of Soul Patrollers, over 55 memberships have been gifted and 30 fans have been presented concert tickets to see Taylor Hicks live.

The mission statement is simple: To reach out and touch the hearts and souls of Taylor Hicks fans all over the world by exposing them to Taylor’s music and giving nature.

To accomplish those goals, Taylor’s Angels are Taying It Forward One Soul at a Time. All that is needed to receive a membership or concert tickets is to have financial need. No proving of the need is required. Your word is your bond. This group accepts your request on trust.

Taylor Hicks has been an inspiration to many of us. It is in that same spirit that these Angels want to continue to help other Soul Patrol friends in need. Each of these Angels has already experienced a live Taylor Hicks show, and each knows how special those performances are. They want other fans to have a similar experience which is why they arrange concert tickets gifts.

While this group of Angels provides memberships and concert tickets, there is a limit to what they can do. They don’t arrange meet and greets and they can’t work miracles. These Angels will do everything they can to make sure fans get memberships and concert tickets.

So how is their mission accomplished? Taylor’s Angels does not accept donations. What they do accept is willing volunteers who wish to donate memberships and concert tickets. These Angels also accept recipients whose financial hardship does not afford them these memberships and tickets. The Angels then match a donor with a recipient. Such matching can be known or kept confidential at the choice of parties involved.

Additionally, donors and recipients are not publicly identified unless they want to be. Good manners are expected to be exercised through acknowledgements from each recipient which can be sent directly to the donor or handled anonymously through the Angels.

Who makes up the core group of Taylor’s Angels, you might ask. These Angels have met each other at various concerts over the past few months either during the American Idol summer tour or Taylor Hicks’ 2007 Tour. The Angels are Lmo4taylor1, Webchic00, Cydter, PurpleButterfies, RagsQueen, maryann1, and DidNotExpectThat.

If you wish to be a donor or have the financial need that would qualify you as a recipient, please send your name and information to While this group works very hard to accomplish its goals, these Angels are full-time employees, mothers, wives, retirees, grandmothers, friends, and out on the tour trail. Regardless of other commitments, they will respond as quickly as possible.

The Angels want to remind everyone that they are not affiliated with Taylor Hicks, Taylor Hicks Headquarters, the Taylor Hicks name, or American Idol. They are merely devoted fans who want to make a positive difference in people’s lives. They do not accept cash, checks, or money orders. All transactions are made between the donor and recipient once they match them and are kept confidential. Any publishing of a gift can be made only by the recipient.
Written by Mandy (RagsQueen)

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