Looking as always for Taylor news. Cause I belong to the Seasons of the Soul Blog. I'm the Editor in Chief there of the
Anyway there it was Taylor's Angels. Who were they? And why hadn't I heard of them? Maybe there was something I could help with? I clicked on it an read about the most amazing thing. Here were a group of Taylor fans willing to help those less fortunate get to a Taylor Concert.Wow!! How cool is that? No cost or questions, just a ticket to go. Wow!
I left that site thinking 'what nice people..But the fact was...Well I had my ticket. Money is oh so tight here, but I made sure I got my ticket!!With my nephews help - I had scrimped and saved and saved some more and waited and waited and it was finally going to happen. I was going to see Taylor! April 29th baby ... I was GOING!
And then something happened that day..well all day actually. I couldn't stop thinking of those guys at Taylor's Angels.. Would they really help someone see Taylor?? For reals? Cause I knew someone who would sure like to go. So being the shy person I am...I emailed them. And I told them about my buddy Phil.Here is part of the email I sent..
Hello Taylor Angels! (crosses fingers) Here's my request: I have my ticket for the Taylor show at Denver paramount theatre. Compliments of my nephew. It is only because of him that I am even going. I would not be going myself otherwise.With the gas to Denver, dinner and parking- it is out of my realm to help anyone right now although I gladly would, when things get better here.So here's the thing..I was wondering if there is a way you could help my friend Phil see Taylor for the first time.
Phil is 35 yrs old and he rents a room here from me. He is a high functioning autistic, (Aspergers Syndrome) I believe. He has been listening to me rant on and on about Taylor for months now. And watches every Youtube video. Ok I made him. But only at first.. He asks to see them now!
I would love to take him with me to see Taylor-I can drive him there an I'll take pics of him there. But I do not have the means to do that myself. Phil is on a very tight budget, as am I. When I saw this Taylor's Angels I immediately thought of Phil. He would be thrilled beyond measure.
Thanks for the having Taylor wings.
Much love
Ok before I go any further.. you should know - there's something about Phil...His twin sister said that to me - that's the first thing I heard about him..It wrung at my heart- and I braced myself. Because I hadn't heard that said in awhile. It was a phrase familiar to me. Ironically,that is the first thing I ever remember hearing about my baby brother Billy.Billy's gone now..so I can tell you. I lost Billy last July..he was 44 - somehow,he slipped right thru my hands..another story another time.So when I heard that phrase I stood still.
I remember thinking GOD is this some kind of cruel joke? It wasn't. She needed a place for Phil. Now - cause he was making her crazy. She said he was crossing her boundaries (well don't brothers an sisters sometimes do that?) Anyway he needed a room. NOW. And I had one open. Phil-he also needed someone that would take no gruff an make sure he took his meds. OK and that would be me. Just sayin'...But he sounded like my brother Billy boy more every minute. I had nothing left in my heart to give. At this point-I pretty much cried all day and stayed in my room. If it wasn't for Taylor, the SoS site and my email buddy fAt.(our resident tator genius) on the SoS. I would NOT have made it myself. Truly I would not have made it. I wonder if fAt knows what he walked me thru.. well now's a good time as any to tell someone.Here's just a part of what he said to me.
"The soul patrol is made up of good people. None of them are doing anything you wouldn't do yourself were the shoe on the other foot... and you know it. Just remember that events give us the motivation to be happy or sad but it's really us that choose those emotions. No one or no event can make you unhappy it can just make you choose to be. While the choice is perfectly rational it's still a choice. Don't choose any more than you can handle. Good memories always outlast bad, we're just wired that way. And they make us choose to be happy. "
fAt - he saved my mind more than once.
Just sayin'...
Ok back to Phil..if I was going to keep my place..the reality was as always -I needed a roommate pronto. And there Phil stood on the front porch with his Sister. It was not lost on me that I had denied my brother a room not a month earlier..I was trying the old tough love routine with Billy again. It didn't work. My heart was breaking for Billy and for Phil standing there. And I said to myself, I don't understand this GOD but ok if this is what you want. And I took him in on the spot. They say there is something about Phil and there is.
Because of Phil I've learned to accept some peace with my brothers death Billy suffered in a different way than Phil but they are both the sweetest and kindest people I ever had drive me completely insane.What a ride!
Phil is extremely smart in math and reading. Just don't ask him left from right. Or to stay on one subject. Same as my Billy but opposite.Billy could find his way to Egypt and back but never do math or read well..an for Phil well, I can't tell you how many maps I've drawn to the same store. He's at times funny as hell and other times you just want to choke him. And then he smiles..what a Dork! He gets lost at least once a week on his infamous 'cool' bike and I finally had to get him a cell phone so he could get home.
An did I tell you he LOVES Taylor? Ok I Taylorized him....well, he was just standing there!! All the time looking over my shoulder so I taught him the Taylor WooooHoooo and the dance and .. well you get the idea.He asked for and received Taylor's CD for Easter an plays it constantly.anyway I digress..here is one of the answers I received from Taylor's Angels
Good news!!! A donor has provided a ticket for Phil for the Denver show! Once we receive the ticket, we will be in touch with you re: delivery!Hope you two have fun and we want those pictures!
Taylor's Angels
So then I'm thinking...OMG!!! REALLY????? Squeeee!!!!!!! Phil is gonna go Taylorcrazy!!! I had to promise myself not to tell him just in case I dunno, the mail, a blizzard, maybe an earth quake? And I couldn't quite believe it myself! So I sent this email back to Taylors' Angels...
TYTYTYTYTY Taylor Angels!!!!
I will take photos if he gets to go and send them to you. I have not told him yet! He will completely lose it though! I think the last event he went to was yrs ago -a wrestling match with his group.OMG!This is so awesome!Thanks again!
They responded with a sweet lady named Charlotte. She is the donor of the ticket! Can I say that? She said to wait for the mail and to enjoy the concert!
GET OUT!!!!And Phil has no clue! It's been so hard to not tell him. And I will try to get the pics online as fast as I can. I will have to get some help there as I'm still in the 35 mm world. Hopefully the ticket will be here today an when he gets home from work. I'll be ready with that camera!I know this may seem like a long story or insignificant to some but just this one contact..the Angels reaching out to someone this means the world to. Just to forget for awhile the harshness of life sometimes well for me it has made a full circle. And for Phil. He's going to feel like for once there really is something about Phil. He's a Taylor fan and whether we realize it or not, right now he gets to be just like us. The miracle of Taylor and his music. Amazing isn't it?
Ya know- all this has taught me another lesson: Nothing will ever replace my Brother..But I need to remember more will be revealed. And I can't help but think of how my brother Billy would have loved Taylor too.I think of him every time I see Phil. maybe that was Gods plan for me.To help ease my pain? Maybe that's why he sent Phil here. To never forget the special ones he gives us. To never forget an to love and cherish every moment you get with them.
Although I've waited almost a year to see him..I would give away my chance to see Taylor. Without a second thought.if I could have one more day with Billy Boy.I know he's here with me and watching over me. Like he always did. My beloved Billy Boy. He is my Angel. Forever. And now out of no where, I have more..they are Taylor's Angels. I think God wanted to remind me they're here these angels, they walk among us and fly above us.
I know they are.
Just sayin'.
NOTE: Pictures of Phil courtesy of Ms. Sonny (Phil receiving his tickets are such a joy!)
NOTE: Next week, Part 2: Meeting Phil & Sonny in Denver
Tags: Taylor Hicks, American Idol, Soul Patrol, Taylor's Angels
Miracles happen everyday, some are in the form of people you meet who change your life completely. Sometimes we are too busy to think about what we don't have, that we fail to see what we have. Phil is a blessing and a miracle in our lives, and you Ms. Sonny is a miracle and a blessing to PHIL's life. I am so touched by your story. I am so glad to read of your happiness. God bless us all.
We never know who will cross our lives and make an impact on it. All it starts with is responding to a resquest, be it a ticket, a phone call or just saying hello. This was one of those opportunities that I chose to take and it blessed my lift more than words can say. Phil was a delight, and so was Sonny. I'm so glad Sonny made her request! Both blessed my life in Denver!
This is just the sweetest story. Phil and Sonny-- you two have really touched the Angel's hearts!!!
This was a beautiful story from start to finish. Dreams coming true.....Angels in the midst.....AMAZING. Taylor has touched us all in so many way...once again we have proof to more Taylor Magic.
I can tell Phil is a very special man; and ms sonny is a very special lady. It's obvious they were both blessed by your wonderful organization. Thank you for everything you do!
You have a great organization and Phil's story is just touching.
The good will of the Soul Patrol just never stops to amaze me...wow.
I sometimes wonder if Taylor has any idea of how many lives he has touched, or how many lives he has changed.
Thank you Taylor's Angels for all you do and especially today for what you made possible for Phil & Ms Sonny. Phil may have been the recipient of the ticket and the meet & greet but I know our Ms Sonny.... As excited as she would have been pulling out of her driveway to see Taylor .. her heart would have been very heavy having to leave Phil behind.
God Bless All of You
It never ceases to amaze me the compassion that Taylor Hicks has for those that are "different". He displays those unique qualities of caring and concern that we want to see reflected in our society.
This is an amazing story that has blessed me tremendously. Thanks so much to Sonny and Phil for allowing us to be a part of this journey!
Thank you Taylor's Angels and Taylor for being so good to Phil and to our Ms.Sonny. She is a sweetheart and all of this couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Ya'll are great!
This is an amazing story. Truly warms your heart.
I don't think that God ever closes one door without opening a new one. We just have to keep our eyes open and then walk through it when it opens. Ms. Sonny did that and her life has been enriched beyond measure.
I am looking forward to reading Part 2. Thanks Angels for everything you do - especially the happiness that you bring to others. And, the thing about all of this is that none of it would have happened if Taylor Hicks hadn't arrived in our worlds. He brings out the very best in so many people! A very unique gift to have and I often wonder if he really understands or knows about it.
The story of Phil and Sonny is a life leason for all of us who are looking for a way to reach out and help and for those that need help, that there is someone waiting for that chance. Phil is a blessing and an inspiration to all of us and Ms. Sonny is the miracle that came into Phil's life when he needed her and she needed him. They were brought together in this life by the grace of God.
It is also a miracle in many other ways that Sonny and Phil had an opportunity to enjoy and experience a wonderful day and night enjoying the music and artistry of a very talented and humble man who has touched not only their lives but the lives of so many people in different ways with his compassionate and caring heart..
Because of the love and admiration and inspiration of Taylor Hicks so many lives have been touched and changed in small and big ways....
Thank you Phil and Ms. Sonny for allowing us to be part of it and thank you Taylor for your inspiration to all of us.
I had never heard of Taylor's Angels until I read ms.sonny's story. What a wonderful idea, and just look at how you all have enriched the lives of so many, including Phil's.
I personally think ms.sonny is an angel herself to Phil, so it sure was nice that she could turn to her fellow angels for help in getting Phil to see Taylor.
God bless all his angels!
thanks for this wonderful story of love and sharing, taylor's angels,
and a true one at that.
thank you for making sonny's and phil's day so very special.....these are two very special people that we have come to love...
What a wonderful story, Taylor's Angels, and how perfect that Ms Sonny, my friend, and her handsome nephew Phil, were the recipients. They will never forget your kindness,nor will many of us, and it's so fitting that there is an organization like this to do things in Taylor's name. So many of us have met so many wonderful people in this journey with Taylor Hicks. Thank you for warming my own heart with this story!
What a blessing and a good deed was bestowed on a wonderful man. I truly believe in Angels and I think that Taylor's Angels are a gift sent from heaven. You will be on my mind from now on when I purchase a ticket for a Taylor Hicks Concert.
What a wonderful story. Miracles & Angels............go hand-in-hand. Thank you ms.sonny for being a good friend & such an "angel" to Phil. Thank you Taylor's Angels for helping Phil realize a dream. It's all very inspiring to know things like this happen. Oh...I almost forgot Taylor!!! What a dear young man to take the time with Phil. Life can be very good.
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